


品名:普羅旺斯巡禮 配方發想地區:法國南部 成份:夏季香薄荷、迷迭香、百里香、茴香、馬鬱蘭、薰衣草、羅勒、奧勒岡、喜馬拉雅粉紅岩鹽。100% 純天然。 適合:豬肉/雞肉/海鮮/燉烤蔬菜 包裝份量:10人份/16g 定價:NTD220 做為簡易肉品醃料的建議用量:1茶匙/100g 肉品 基本煎肉排用法:將一茶匙的香料,灑在100g肉上,用一點橄欖油推開抹勻,靜置30分鐘後煎熟。

Basic Product Information

Product Name: Herbes de Provence Origin of inspiration: Southern France Ingredients: summer savory, rosemary, thyme, fennel seeds, marjoram, lavender, basil, oregano, and Himalaya pink salt. 100% natural. Suitable for: pork/chicken/seafood/ stew or roasted vegetables Package Quantity: 10 teaspoon/ 16 g Price: NTD 220 Suggested serving portion for marinating: 1 teaspoon/ 100g of meat Basic pan-fried pork chop: Use one teaspoon of Herbers de Provence to marinate 100g of pork chop with some olive oil for 30 min. Pan fry the pork chop.

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秘製香料#1: 普羅旺斯巡禮 Herbes de Provence



The Basic Way to Use Shise Spice Mix

  1. Prepare the meat steak. (About 100g)
  2. Sprinkle one teaspoon of shise spice mix on the steak.
  3. Rub the steak with some olive oil to ensure the spice mix is evenly distributed.
  4. Pan fry the steak and you are done.


難易度: ★

難易度: ★★

難易度: ★★★

難易度: ★★★★★




★ 一顆星:幾乎無需前置作業,香料抹上即可煎/烤

★★ 二顆星:需要較多前置作業

★★★ 三顆星:需要前置作業與較多步驟

★★★★ 四顆星:有點搞剛

★★★★★ 五顆星:自己做好累,所以在外面看到一定要點  




About Herbes de Provence….

Summer savory, rosemary, thyme, lavender..etc, the major typical Provence region dried herbs are used in this blend. It can bring the Southern France aroma to your everyday cooking effortlessly. Great for pork, chicken, roasted veggie, seafood stew, and much more. Himalaya pink salt is used in this recipe. This tender salt suits the delicate Provence herbs.


食色所有香料商品皆為天然乾燥香草與香料研磨製成,不含防腐劑與化學添加物。 All “Shise” seasonings are made with 100% natural spice and herbs. No chemicals, food additives, msg, preservatives …etc are added.
所有香料配方皆已配合香草以及香料調性,調和入海鹽或是粉紅玫瑰岩鹽,讓您可以即開即用。是節省時間與外出料理的好幫手。 All seasonings are pre-salted and easy to use even in an outdoor situation.
便利夾鏈袋包裝,讓您外出烤肉/露營/出國自助旅遊自炊無負擔。 Minimalism package design to reduce the impact on the environment. Easy to carry around for all sorts of situations like camping, BBQ, backpacking, traveling…etc
更重要的是,您所購買的香料商品金額,將會有1%捐給自然環境保護團體。讓我們取自於自然,返還於自然。小小手工經營也想盡一份心意。 More important, we donate 1% of your spend to a non-profit environmental organization in Taiwan. We take something from mother nature and return something as well. Currently, all handmade with love in Taiwan.
Registered food seller in Taiwan.




Additional information

Weight 0.016 kg
Dimensions 14 × 10 × 2 cm


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