


品名:神聖煙燻肉桂BBQ 配方發想地區:孟非斯,USA 成份:匈牙利紅椒粉、黑胡椒、卡宴辣椒、肉豆蔻、黑糖、煙燻紅椒粉、肉桂、全香果、芥末籽。100%純天然。 適合:豬肉/雞肉/烤蔬菜 包裝份量:8人份/32g 定價:NTD 220 做為簡易肉品醃料的建議用量:1茶匙/100g 肉品 基本煎肉排用法:將一茶匙的香料,灑在100g肉上,用一點橄欖油推開抹勻,靜置30分鐘後煎熟。

Basic Product Information

Product Name: Smokey Cinnamon BBQ Origin of inspiration: Memphis, USA Ingredients: paprika, black pepper, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, raw sugar, smoked paprika, cinnamon, allspice, and mustard seed.  100% natural. Suitable for: pork/chicken/roasted vegetables Package Quantity: 8 teaspoons/ 32 g Price: NTD 220

Suggested serving portion for marinating: 1 teaspoon/ 100g of meat

Basic pan-fried pork chop: Use one teaspoon of Smokey Cinnamon BBQ to marinate 100g of pork chop with some olive oil for 30 min. Pan fry the pork chop.


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「神聖」二字取自於幾段關於肉桂的古老傳說。傳說中鳳凰在死前會搜集肉桂,以肉桂做為自己浴火重生的焚燒材料,沒有肉桂,鳳凰就無法重生。 According to the old legend, phonixes collect cinnamon sticks and use them to reborn from fire. No cinnamon, no nirvana.

BBQ, BBQ香料, 烤肉香料 食色香料基本使用方法

The Basic Way to Use Shise Spice Mix

  1. Prepare the meat steak. (About 100g)
  2. Sprinkle one teaspoon of shise spice mix on the steak.
  3. Rub the steak with some olive oil to ensure the spice mix is evenly distributed.
  4. Pan fry the steak and you are done.



難易度: ★
  • 煙燻肉桂BBQ煎肉排:100g的豬排或是雞排,抹上一茶匙煙燻肉桂BBQ香料,加一點油乾煎。
  • 秋日烤蔬食

難易度: ★★

難易度: ★★★

難易度: ★★★★

  敬請期待更多食譜。可以追蹤FB粉絲頁以取得最新食譜更新資訊喔 註:難易度評斷標準 ★ 一顆星:幾乎無需前置作業,香料抹上即可煎/烤 ★★ 二顆星:需要較多前置作業 ★★★ 三顆星:需要前置作業與較多步驟 ★★★★ 四顆星:有點搞剛 ★★★★★ 五顆星:自己做好累,所以在外面看到一定要點



美國田納西州的孟非斯,除了是FedEx全球空中運輸樞紐的所在地,也以舉辦金氏世界紀錄有登記的,世界最大的 “BBQ世界冠軍比賽” World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest (WCBCC) 聞名於美食界。吸引了美國各州與世界的烤肉好手,及 BBC The Food Nerwork的參與,至今每年有超過250隊參加這為期四日的烤肉盛宴。



*為了在醃肉品時產生蛋白質重組效應,且使肉質表面有口感且內部更柔嫩多汁,此料理香料已加入適量海鹽。 口味較清淡者,建議料理時無須再加鹽,口味較重者則可適量自行調味。 The BBQ from Memphis, USA, is the inspiration. Cinnamon and smoked paprika are used to mimic the smokey outdoor BBQ flavor. With this spice blend salt, the grilling flavor effect is only one step away.

BBQ, BBQ香料, 烤肉香料
使用”神聖煙燻肉桂BBQ”所醃製的烤肉串 Smokey cinnamon BBQ skewers




All “Shise” seasonings are made with 100% natural spice and herbs. No chemicals, food additives, msg, preservatives …etc are added.Minimalism package design to reduce the impact on the environment. Easy to carry around for all sorts of situations like camping, BBQ, backpacking, traveling…etc
更重要的是,您所購買的香料商品金額,將會有1%捐給自然環境保護團體。讓我們取自於自然,返還於自然。小小手工經營也想盡一份心意。 More important, we donate 1% of your spent to a non-profit environmental organization in Taiwan. We take something from mother nature and return something as well. Currently, all handmade with love in Taiwan.
Registered food seller in Taiwan.

Additional information

Weight 0.032 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 3 cm


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